Saturday, December 5, 2009

Creature Blotted out On this small bird this rudiment This little dome this pediment Of all creation This slow one. .

A cool gaze that few cats could have matched. The Jesuit general was an old man but not stooped. The high-boned ascetic face was of a piece with the narrow hungry frame. The calm blue eyes and unwrinkled mien spoke of ice water in the veins. Close-cropped hair a short beard both snow-white and fussily trimmed. "You have some thoughts?" "I was thinking about Giulio Mazarini. The young monsignor is worthy of watching. I have a man who has marked him.
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Your desire for me ma petite as I desire you. " I shrugged. What could I say? "It's just a little lust JeanClaude nothing special. " That was a lie. I knew it even as I said it. "No ma petite I mean more to you than that. " We were attracting a crowd at a safe distance. "Do you really want to discuss this in the street?" He took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "Very true. You make me forget myself ma petite. " Great. "I really am late Jean-Claude. The police are waiting for me. " "We must finish this discussion ma petite " he said. I nodded. He was right. I'd been trying to ignore it and him. Master vampires are not easy to ignore. "Tomorrow night. " "Where?" he asked. Polite of him not to order me to his lair. I thought about where best to do it. I wanted Charles to go.
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